Not dead
July 28th, 2006 by Icon

This project is not dead, it is severely delayed though.. My life has changed a bit, finished degree, started fulltime job, girlfriend moved in etc. And is still changing, I will move house to another country at the end of this year. When my life has calmed down (if that ever happens ;-) ), I really want to get back to roborally!

p.s. We had to change our hosting company, the forums were down for a while, a new one is up now!

New screenshots
October 27th, 2004 by Icon

Well the conjuring is taking a little bit longer.. But in the meantime I put some new screenshots in the screenshot section.
The demo is going to be in 1024x768 only. And it's going to be for the windows platform only. Sorry.. I do intend to make the final version of the game suitable for more resolutions and platforms (linux, maybe mac?).

Status Update
September 24th, 2004 by Icon

A little update from sunny Spain :) I´m well on my way to finishing a demo (with severely limited functionality..) But I really would like to show what I´m working on. I will return to Holland the 1st of october. I hope to conjure up something nice then.

Site redesign
August 20th, 2004 by Itsacon

Hi guys, overhauled the site design a bit. Hope you like it.

Site Launch
July 26th, 2004 by Icon

I just recently got introduced to Roborally, a very funny board game. Although this game should be played with good company and not on a relatively cold computer, I do believe a computer version of this game could be very much fun. So now I'm devoting the free hours I've got to implementing this great game.
Check to check out the rules of the game. I aim to make a multiplayer version using the excellent SDL library.